Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Screw You, 2010.

Last year sucked for me.  The. Absolute. Worst.  It started with my divorce in February and went downhill from there.  I don’t want to bore you with the details but some of the lowlights included: aforementioned divorce, financial rock-bottom, major conflict at work, 3 failed romances, medical issues (a chronic inflamed salivary gland, com’on, really?), 3 moves within a 3-month period and a brief stint of living back home with my Dad which is still too painful for me to discuss.  Oh, and did I mention that I turned 40 years old too?  
Amazingly, I’ve managed to survive the trials and tribulations of 2010 and have emerged in the Year of 2011.  Ah, 2011!!  A new year, with a clean slate, full of hope and promise! 
Like a lot of people, I make New Year’s resolutions.  Unfortunately, like a lot of people, I’ve had the same two resolutions for the last 15 years: 1) Lose 50 lbs. and maintain the weight loss; and 2) Stop living paycheck to paycheck.  As you have probably surmised, since I have had the same resolutions year after year that I have never been able to stick to my resolutions. 
Well, this year I’ve decided to do something different.  Instead of making two absolute resolutions, I decided to be more positive and to focus on smaller, more attainable goals.  As a result I have created a list of the top ten things I want to accomplish during the next 365 days (or rather, 361 days and counting).  A lot of my goals still address my need to lose weight and save money, but in a fun way, I hope. 
1.      Dine at the Top 50 Restaurants in Boston (Nov. 2010 Boston Magazine). *
2.      Start a blog and post at least 52 entries this year.
3.      Complete the Nantasket Beach Mini-triathlon in September.
4.      Eat healthy meals at least 5 days a week.
5.      Read at least 1 book a week.
6.      Spend more time with my friends and family.
7.      Deposit $50 a pay period into my savings account.
8.      Start taking pilot lessons.
9.      Move towards my goal of becoming a nurse by taking at least one class per semester.
10.  Send Christmas Cards this year.
So there you have it…my list, for all the world to see.  I must admit, I do have selfish motives for sharing my goals with all of you.  I figured that by putting it out there, maybe I will be more accountable about following through this year.  Needless to say, I still need the help of all of you.  Next time you see me, don’t forget to ask me about the last book I read or how my pilot’s lessons are coming along because let’s be honest, 15-year old habits will be hard to break. Besides, we can all use a little help from our friends.  
Happy New Year’s, my friends.  Cheers!
*I know that this goal totally contradicts my ultimate goals of losing weight and saving money, but a girl has to have  a little fun in her life, right?


  1. Love your blog - you're off to a roaring start. Have you seen this? http://jezebel.com/5721528/fuck-you-2010

    Also, I don't mean to sell on your blog (I promise), but have you looked at PerkStreet? Yes, I work for them, but I'm also a customer and I've earned over $300 in the last six months just for spending like I always do. It's not truckloads of cash, but it's a little wiggle room that really helped the paycheck to paycheck squeeze.

    I recently finished "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" - really good. Lots of dogs. If you like dogs.

  2. OMG, I just checked out jezebel's post. That's fucking awesome and really what I was thinking as I was writing! That's for checking out my blog and for the book suggestion. I will definitely check it out along with PerkStreet. Best, Kim

  3. Nice list, I think you can do it and I am willing to help with #'s 1, 3 and 6.
    Pilot lessons? You can take them in Marshfield.
    I read "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle", it was recommended by my dentist a few years ago, I enjoyed it.
    Good Luck Kim!
